A Strategy Profile is similar to the idea of a marketing or advertising profile. Similar to how social media companies like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn build profiles of individuals by mapping what they like, follow and the hashtags they use, Strategy-AI uses equally simplistic, low touch interactions with very minimal resource overheads to build profiles across your whole business, including your projects and tasks, your sprints if you're using agile scrum, your product releases, even your staff workloads and engagements.
This can be summarized as a single Strategy Alignment Score for easy real-time comparison or plotted against historical and future estimates to draw trends from over time and predict your future engagements. These Strategy Align Scores and trends are your Strategy Profile.
Strategy Profiles are available across all our subscription plans, including our free, basic subscription plan.
See Strategy Profiles and Strategy Alignment Scores
in action with Trello
Our more advanced AI analysis, allows you to compare your profile to other businesses domestically and globally across a range of industry sectors and other factors. Additionally our AI powered engine can highlight trends coming through the industry sectors and other factors your interested in much faster than trying read all market analysis reports conducted from surveys. Obviously if you're a trend setter, you can track how far ahead of your market peers you are and areas to focus on to regain that market leader position.
Our early, AI driven analysis is considerable better than the current market analysis reports we mentioned above, that are regularly based of market surveys. These surveys tend to only capture a very small percentage of any relevant market segment, can only capture the business leaders who have the time to complete them and as such, can sometimes become an exercise for businesses to oversell and essentially market themselves as further ahead than they really are as they aren't qualified or verified. All typical pitfalls of survey based market research. As our AI engine has verifiable and quantifiable access to both executive level strategy and operational level project/task data, our AI engine is considerably more accurate at informing your leadership teams to make informed decisions.
Our AI driven analysis will be available as part of our enterprise subscription plans.